Blog Posts


Blog Tour Case Study

Hey all, it's Nicole. I'm still up in the Northwoods of Wisconsin, but, thankfully I have a guest blogger to keep you company while I'm gone to keep you from missing me too much. 🙂

Speaking of missing really cool things —
Be sure to sign up for my update list at so you don't miss any new PLR – it oftentimes sells out quickly. (If you don't know about PLR yet, it's one of the secrets that successful business owners use so they can work less and profit more.)

ok. Back to my guest blogger. My friend, D'vorah, bought my Blog World Tour Guide. While I recommend those who buy the guide start guest blogging on a small scale (if they're intimidated), she bit the bullet and decided to set out on her own Blog Tour. I asked her to keep us posted with guest blog posts here to let us know how it goes.

If you missed her first post, you can catch up here: Build Relationships and Become  Known via Your Own Blog Tour

She's now a third of the way into her own Blog Tour, so here's an update as she tracks her results…

Hi, it’s me, D’vorah Lansky from the Blog World Tour, back again with a third of the way through update on my nine-week blog tour. As you may recall, I am utilizing Nicole’s program, which she calls her Blog Tour Planner, as the foundation for my Blog Tour. This summer I am visiting nine blogs and those nine blog owners are going to be sharing their thoughts and articles with my readers on my blog.


OK, here’s the scoop. I built my blog in the middle of March and began promoting it in the middle of June. This week begins week four of the blog tour and here are my stats.

Number of unique visitors since my site launched in mid March:

(Stats derived from my awstats in my CPanel)

March 20 unique visitors
April 32 unique visitors
May 36 unique visitors
June 378 unique visitors
July 1st – 3rd 86 unique visitors in the first 3 days of July

I activated Google Analytics on June 23rd and from June 23rd – July 4th have had 158 unique visitors.

I’m not sure what this means, but I bet Nicole does… for the month of June, the awstats system reports: “54744 Hits (26.21 Hits/Visit)”. This is about 12 times the amount received in March.

Number of New Subscribers – Previously less than 1 per week – Now I am getting
4 a week on the Blog Tour site and 7 a week to my other lists.

Number of Subscribers since from March 23 – May 25 = 6 (60 days)
Number of Subscribers from June 4 – July 4 = 16 (30 days)

Number of Scribers to my other lists since June 1st = 27
I have not actively promoted those other sites except via mention in blog tour posts!

Future Opportunities

I’ve been contacted by five more bloggers for potential guest blogging and/or JV partnership projects in the future.

What I’ve learned along the way is:

  • Schedule time to write each week
  • Link up my blog to the Networked Blogs application on Facebook
  • Utilize the excel spreadsheet and guidelines outlined in Nicole’s Blog Tour Planner
  • Select a specific hashtag for my blog tour and encourage people to tweet about the blog posts (I’m using #blogworldtour)
  • Mention my commenting and tweeting contest several times a week, at the end of my blog posts
  • Schedule in advance when to get and give content to/from my host and guest bloggers so that we can schedule the content to go live at a specific time and date

So, there you have three weeks worth of stats. It will be interesting to see what evolves over the next six weeks of the tour. Looking forward to sharing the details and another update at the end of the tour.

I’d be very interested in hearing from Nicole’s readers regarding their experiences being or hosting guest bloggers. Share your tips and ideas so that we can all benefit.

Thanks again Nicole, this is a blast!


I’d love to hear your comments and questions and look forward to getting to know you.

All the best,
D’vorah Lansky

I appreciate shares and I adore comments! Please share your thoughts.

  • Loretta

    Way to go, D’vorah! I’ve just been doing guest blogs here and there as I see the opportunity to do so or as I have those moments of writing inspiration where I can write a couple of extra articles in a weekend. Kudos to you for going all the way with this and taking your blog on tour! And thank you for sharing your results with us as you go along, love it.

  • MJK

    I just came across your site through your YouTube video tutorial and hence visited your site. Being a blogger myself, i found your site very interesting and i think i can greatly benefit from you podcasts.
    I am currently listening to one while writing this post and i think its the most learning experience.
    I think i will get you interviewed sometime for my site as well. Also i was just thinking to start doing the “Guest Blogging” thing and you have added to my motivation for it.

  • Angie - The Work at Home Wife

    Congrats D’vorah, on both your increased stats and the courage to do a blog tour with a fairly new blog. You’re an inspiration!

  • Janette Stoll

    Hi D’vorh,

    Great work and thanks so much for sharing in detail. Have you seen an increase in conversion i.e. opt-in?


  • AnnaLaura Brown

    This is great. I have written guest blog posts from time to time and I know they can help. I’ve found that you also need to find blogs that have a lot of traffic though and to make sure that you use a captivating signature file. is the best resource I’ve found so far.

  • Dan Reinhold

    Great news, D’vorah!

    Your “What I’ve learned along the way” points are well worth a copy and paste into a to-do list…and then doing!!

    Working on getting my own courage up for my own blog world tour. Gotta find just the right shades for The Look first…


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