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Letter to Santa 2010

Itโ€™s another Expert Briefs, where I ask really smart business owners to answer your burning questions.

Here's what I sent my friends…

“If you're like me, you don't want perfume or a picture frame for Christmas… you want stuff for your BUSINESS! Gadgets, tools, and other fun goodies. So, what's in your Letter to Santa this year?”

The problem is that I really don't have anything I want this year.ย  Life is good and I have what I need. So, I need ideas. ๐Ÿ™‚

Here are our expert replies.

Lynette Chandler of says:

I don't have anything that I really want badly either, but perhaps an upgrade to the new LiveScribe Echo pen, a subscription to Evernote or ManyMoon.

Alice Seba of Contentrix says:

Like Nicole, I don't really have a wishlist. I have more than enough stuff and just don't want to accumulate more. As far as business gadgets go, I have my iPhone and my laptop, so I am all good with that. I have simple needs.

But I do have one thing I hope Santa brings and that's a replacement Rockband. Earlier this year, the disk faced the wrath of a toddler and the drumset was attacked during a freak play fighting accident by the boys. Since then, this mama hasn't been able to live out her rock star fantasies. So, now I'm hoping Santa brings a new one.

Ronnie Nijmeh of (< -click for a free offer from Ronnie) says:

I always have a hard time figuring out what I want for Christmas because if I need something, I get it when I need it throughout the year. ๐Ÿ™‚

For this year, my wife and I are getting a piano for our new home. It's a Casio AP620 Celviano Digital Piano.

I'm excited about it because I LOVE music. It's such an amazing outlet and natural relaxant!

Actually, music is what led me toward my first internet marketing experience a decade or so ago, where I sold music software as an affiliate marketer.

Oh how fun it is to reminisce. ๐Ÿ™‚

Kelly McCausey of Work at Home Moms Talk Radio says:

If Santa wants to bring me a Kindle for Christmas this year I'd be thrilled. It's one of those things that I know I'd use a lot. I'd fill it up with great business books and novels and transfer over several PDFs I've been meaning to read. How handy to have it tucked in my purse for unexpected downtime.

So, Santa, if you're listening, I'd love the Kindle with free 3G ๐Ÿ™‚

Shannon Cherry of S.A.L.E.S. System Formula says:

Dear Santa:

I've been extra good this year. I've been more profitable than ever and as a result have been able to give back more.

And I'm not asking for too much. I would love peace on earth, but understand that is a hard one for ANYONE to deliver.

So here's just a few things to put under my tree:

  • iPad – I know, I know. I haven't invested in one yet, partly because I know my girls will take it and use it all the time. So maybe 3 of them (one for each of us).
  • Time. Ok, I know you can't give me extra time, but perhaps a book that helps me create more systems that streamline my business to give me that time?
  • Tea. It's the perfect pick-me-up during the day when I need a break.

See? Not too much.

I did leave you cookies, but our new puppy Maisie, ate them! Sorry! We are still training her!


NicoleNicole Dean of .. here! .. says:

Every year, I try to help busy entrepreneurs by helping you write your letter to Santa. ๐Ÿ™‚ This year is no different.

If you're like me, and would rather get something fun for your business than an other trinket, simply copy and paste the letter below (insert items you want from the brainstorming list below) and mail it to Santa and you're set.

Heck, send it to your mother-in-law (if she gets you horrid gifts) or a favorite Aunt so she won't spend a week knitting a pair of wool socks that you're allergic to.

Dear Santa,

Iโ€™ve been very good again this year. Iโ€™ve worked very hard on my business while keeping focus on important priorities like my (family, health, etc., insert yours here). I definitely should be on your “nice” list.


This year, I would love to get some gifts to invest in my business. Here are some items I've been wanting. You can surprise me. ๐Ÿ™‚

((INSERT items from list below))

Thank you, Dear Santa. I hope that you are nice and cozy in the North Pole with Mrs. Claus.

((insert name here))

Brainstorming List.

For when you're on the go.

  • Kindle or Nook – Read and learn on the go.
  • mp3 Player – More Learning on the road. (Be sure to load up my podcast.)
  • Cell Phone. Christmas is always a good excuse to upgrade.
  • Headset for your Cell Phone. I love my headset. I can use my cell as an mp3 player while I walk the dogs (and still feel good about having my phone on me).
  • iPad. I keep mine in my purse. It's so much easier than carrying around a laptop.
  • Good books – just in case you get trapped on a Deserted Island.
  • Comfy chair.
  • Noise Cancellation Headphones. (I have some. They're weird.)


  • Camtasia
  • SnagIt
  • Photoshop

Stuff for your Office.

  • Desk Pad Calendar. For scheduling and staying organized.
  • Day Clock – in case you lose track of time, really badly!
  • Demotivators. (You probably saw those in my home office.)
  • Handerpants – in case your hands get cold while you're working.
  • Bacon Envelopes.
  • Big freaking White Board. Did you see mine in my office video?
  • Space heater. Again… brrrrr….

Camera & Microphones.

  • Flip Mino Cam. For video marketing.
  • Headset with Microphone. For recording tutorials and webinars on your PC.

PLR – Because It's AWESOME!

  • PLR Articles Because you can always use more articles for your blog.

Promo Stuff

Courses to Learn Cool Stuff From.

Stuff to Fight Computer Butt.


  • Luggage for traveling to cool Internet Marketing conferences to hang out with me.
  • Ticket to NAMS for August.

** Most of the stuff above is tax deductible. (Probably not the Handerpants, though.)

Itโ€™s Your Turn.


So, now, Iโ€™ll pose this question to you. What are you asking Santa for this Christmas? Iโ€™d love to hear your comments!


Nicole Dean

PS. I have created brandable reports from several of the previous Expert Brief columns that you can use to earn commissions by giving them away.

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I appreciate shares and I adore comments! Please share your thoughts.

  • Kristen Eckstein

    I’m thinking Handerpants could be made tax deductible… The category being: office supplies, employee incentive gifts… there’s gotta be a way! If only they extended to the fingernails…. fingers are what really get cold in my office. Hence why Santa brought me a space heater! ๐Ÿ™‚

    • The Mom

      I just have to tell you what a FABULOUS tagline you have on your site! ๐Ÿ˜€ I laughed right out loud, seriously.

      And I suspect the IRS would allow Handerpants as a necessity, like heating your office space, yes? Maybe even medically sort of like an ergonomic chair? There are possibilities.

  • Bill (LoneWolf) Nickeson

    Dear Santa

    There are so many wonderful things I would like if you were to bring them to me for Christmas this year. I could list things like an iPad, 1TB network drive, 50 inch TV with surround sound…

    But the biggest thing I want this year is more blocks of uninterrupted time. I find my time is very fragmented right now with being Mr. Mom, driving the kids to school and picking them up, working on stuff for my wife’s business and then trying to shoehorn my own writing and marketing stuff in there somewhere.

    I’d like to get to the point where I have a solid 4 hours during the day and maybe another 1 or 2 hours at night. I love to write but I just don’t seem to get going with all the interruptions.

    Oh yeah, a new truck would be nice — you don’t have to bring it down the chimney, just leave it parked out next to my beater!

    Bill (LoneWolf) Nickerson

    P.S. The kids will leave the Coke and cookies in the standard spot again this year. Give our best to the Mrs. and Rudy!

  • Peggy Baron

    Yeah, I’m sitting on my fingers right now, Kristen, trying to keep them warm.

    Me? I’d like a new mouse because I think some crumbs from the cookie I was eating yesterday slipped inside it and now it’s hard to press. Talk about a tired hand! Yes, I’m aware I could make some joke about the “If You Give a Mouse a Cookie” book.

    And speaking of books, I’d like a Kindle too, Kelly.

    Nicole, I must have missed the bacon envelopes, but I’m sure I’d like them. D


    • The Mom

      I have the opposite problem – being of a ‘certain age’ I would prefer a way to stay cool while I work. The heat generated by my computer or laptop is way too much to handle sometimes. Is there a little fan that could be clipped to the top of the monitor to blow on my head? ๐Ÿ˜€

      And, yeah, you could do an instruction booklet about the care and cleaning of a mouse… oh, and include the recipe for the cookie you were eating. HA!

      I’m having an awful lot of fun with Nicole’s post today. I’m watching for an IM any minute to tell me to get back to work.

  • Loretta

    My holiday wishlist:

    Gift Card to Fill the Kindle with Books
    Old Navy Comfy Pants (so warm!)
    and lots of time baking cookies with my kids ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Cindy Bidar

    I must be the only person in the world who doesn’t really want a Kindle. Since I discovered audio books, I seem to have forgotten how to read. LOL!

    What I’d really love to have for Christmas, though, is an iPad. I could toss it in my purse and get some work done no matter where I am.

  • Debra Conrad

    I want Santa to pay for my son’s wedding… ๐Ÿ™‚ It’s on Dec 22nd and whhhoooo weee the Christmas money is going to the wedding…. lol.

    If that’s not in the gift bag – then maybe you could squeeze in a Kindle or a Nook. I know I’d use it just like Kelly suggested… for those random times you happen to have time to read.

    Note: I really have been a good girl all year… even if I have to spend time with my “ex” for this whole wedding adventure – sigh.

    • Loretta

      Spending time with the ex earns you extra good will towards men points :-p There should definitely be an annual bonus for such a thing!

      • Debra Conrad

        Loretta – You have nooo idea how many extra points I deserve already.

        Engagement party was last night and I kept my cool… not an easy thing for me.

        btw – the kids were already engaged… this was the official get down on his knee and ring thing in front of family and friends. Since my son lives in Italy – we had to wait “forever” for the official “asking”. lol one week before the wedding.

    • The Mom

      Hi Debra
      Just clicked thru to your site. Cool… ๐Ÿ˜‰

      However, as one Boomer to another, I suspect you are NO “ordinary baby boomer” HA!!!

      • Debra Conrad

        Ha!!! My youngest calls his mom a “Renaissance” woman. My Boomer years are shaping up to be the “best ever” years.

        I loved being a mom and I sort of liked working a J.O.B. I even liked owning my own brick and mortar store for years.

        I came into my element when I started my business as a decorative home painter… but then the old back and legs just “gave out”.

        Thank Goodness for the Information Age…

    • Nicole

      Oh you SO are on the “Nice” list this year. Wow.

  • Melody

    Dear Santa
    I hope you’ve noticed I’ve been a very good girl again this year! Since I saved my pennies and bought myself a new range and dishwasher all I want for Christmas is my family home for the holidays.

    Of coarse if you are feeling extra generous I’d be delighted with an iPad and I’d even share it with hubby when I didn’t need to use it for my business!

    Hugs to you, Mrs. Clause, all the elves and reindeer!

  • DeAnna Troupe

    I want a wii (although the kids and my husband will play that more than me), a kindle, more soapmaking stuff, a trip to a spa and a ticket to NAMS in January or August.

  • The Mom

    Dang… just when I was going to knit all my nieces and nephews wool socks. ๐Ÿ˜€

    My ‘horrid gift’ is on it’s way to SIL. Yippee! And, yes, it is horrible, but in a fun way, I think??? lmao

    For you my darling… I’m still in search of a replacement straw. Sorry, they simply do not make them like they used to. Poor ‘The Husband’ is still in the doghouse… oh, maybe THAT’S why you’re up to 3… hmmm…

    (Dear readers, If you don’t know the context of those two references; straw and 3, ask Nicole, she’ll be more than happy to explain I’m sure.)

  • Estudiar ingles extranjero

    Everyone of us have special wish this Holiday Season. Generally speaking, for me I wanted that someone will knock on the door to deliver my iPhone7. That would be great if it happens on the 25th of December.

  • Sharon McMillan

    Encouraged by some great coaching resources you’ve produced this year (love them!) I’m going to be introducing webinars and video into my business in 2011. I’ve got the hardware but I’d love if Santa got me Camtasia so I could create some of the wonderful training videos that have helped me in so many ways over the last couple of years ๐Ÿ™‚

    Merry Christmas Nicole!

  • givejonadollar

    What I want for Christmas is quite simple.

    I want more dollars. Because soon, when the Federal Reserve destroys the dollar completely, I’m going to have to change the name of my website! ๐Ÿ™‚

    So I would prefer some dollars now, while they still have value.

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